Breaking the boundaries
Breaking the boundaries
After an excruciating 33 days, we have finally freed ourselves from a not-so-reliable host. We are proud to announce that we have moved back into Houston with our own in-house hardware, and have built a 2nd Ryzen server. Ever since we moved to New York back in April, we had no idea what we were signing ourselves up for as we were hoping that the provider we chose wouldn't cut corners, only to unfortunately discover the exact opposite. Now that all of that is in the past, we can focus on the present. This move also gave us the opportunity to move the server onto the Cloudflare network, connecti...
Summer 2024 Major Network Expansion
Summer 2024 Major Network Expansion
ArchMC has been considered the leading Eaglercraft server for awhile now. Unfortunately, we have recently been very lacking in terms of content and quality. A lot of the gamemodes on the server are bug-prone, unstable, or just flat out unplayable. We hear your cries and admit that allowing you guys to even play on such buggy servers is dishonoring, however we have lacked the time and resources until recently. We are now taking the time this summer to make major revisions to the network so that we can expand, improve, and re-code gamemodes. Throughout all of this, you will still be able to...
Meet Megasurvival: Our biggest project yet
Meet Megasurvival: Our biggest project yet
For the past 5 months, our network has seen exponential growth that has been both a blessing and a curse for us. To be quite frank, we never thought we would see more than 300 players online at once, and now we are seeing up to 3 times that amount. Since our release back in December, the Survival server has been plagued with a number of issues (namely performance), and almost none of them have been fixable due to poor design choices made during its development. Since then, we have been unable to keep up with the demand and tried to mitigate this by adding a queue and creating Lifesteal as a te...
Opening of the new Website
Opening of the new Website
What's up everyone, We are proud to present to you the new website we have worked hard to create. It took us some time but after lots of hard work we finished it, on the new website you will find new things such as: Leaderboards - All game leaderboards will now become viewable on the website.Credits - This is a currency you can buy to help with gifting ranks and other items.Tickets - The discord system has proven to be inefficient and will be moved to the website to avoid clutter.Suggestions - Had lots of spam in discord and will be moved to the website so people without discord can ...