please improve this server

PixelPulse1 Nov 28, 2024 10:32 AM Other 457

ok so this used to be my favorite server but one day the server was just filled with HACKERS, you go to KitPVP, HACKERS. You go to bedwars, HACKERS!!! like most of these gamemodes is just full of hackers, and when i say they're hacking, they always go like “DuDe I aM nOt haCkinG YoUr jUsT bAd”. Reporting doesn't do ANYTHING, and sometimes I get kicked for “cheating”, even when I did NOTHING wrong. I am genuinely convinced that this server doesn't care about the server OR their players, and are just capitalizing for money. If you take a look at the ranks/tags/etc, they are extremely overpriced for a server like this. The anti-cheat is horrible here, it doesn't work AT ALL and bans players who did NOTHING wrong. Sometimes I'll be on bedwars, kill a couple people, then the server says “CeRtAiN sTaTs WeReN't CoUntEd aS wE dEtEcTed AbUse. pLeaSe PlaY fAiR!!”. Like bro, all i did was kill a couple of people on the server. And you have literal HACKERS with RANGE hacks, KILL AURA, and EXTREME KNOCKBACK. They get reported yet nothing gets done. Another issue I have is with SPAMMERS. I'll just be in the bedwars chat room, then there's a bunch of people just SPAMMING. we report them, but NOTHING, LITERALLY NOTHING GETS DONE. And when I type a little bit too quickly, I GET MUTED FOR A WEEK. WTF ARCHMC!!! 

Also sometime's I'll be in a game of bedwars, bridging, then the server decides to LAG and i fall through the void and get kicked. I CANT EVEN REJOIN BECAUSE REJOIN DOESNT WORK!!! 

Something seriously needs to get done about this issue. Make it better. Actually start caring about your players trying to have a good time.

Please read this, thanks

Also, people in chat are SO TOXIC. They even look down on you if you didn't buy an extremely overpriced rank or tag.

Nov 28, 2024 10:39 AM

ok no this is wrong i have so many friends i dont have any tag or rank but i still have lots and lots of Majestic friends … only bc im nice :). ty 200iq, voxel, pq, and many others

Nov 30, 2024 2:18 PM

just some people, not all.

Nov 30, 2024 9:58 PM

Addressing everything u said:

  • Hackers: don't see much of them at all, if they are hacking record them and make a ticket and do /report
  • Idk about anticheat
  • /rejoin is dead
  • ranks are legit expensive

Solutions and suggestions and random bs:

  • readd /rejoin
  • Sozo did do something against the spammers so W ig
  • add chat cooldown for tributes (none for ranks bc spammers probably do not want to waste $2 to get banned AGAIN and waste it)
  • readd /cosmetics
  • revamp the /report system, but again, mods aren't online 24/7, ******* does tho
  • reward players that reported a legit rulebreaker (example 10 successful reports: 1 arch credit) [majestic: 250 successful reports)
  • get more competent mods (navy legit grinds survival and barely hops on the other servers)

What you can do:

  • Still report players
  • play normally
  • hop onto a different server hoping arch fixes this 
  • establish good relations with the community, they can back u up

More complaining: 

  • You do not stand a chance in /warp pvp if you do not have p2w gear
  • tributes are overlooked TOO MUCH
  • tp trapping is rampant
  • /trade is nonexistent (so scams can happen)
  • no rules page in new website
  • images from old website is gone
  • website is a downgrade from the old one

no, i was not paid by arch to do this lol

Dec 13, 2024 10:20 PM

I think this is fine but /msg shouldn't have a cooldown.

Dec 17, 2024 6:57 PM
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